Regardless of your exercise of choice – turning, walking, weight lifting or Pilates – the health and strength of your knees is of crucial importance. The knees carry their body weight, leave the full freedom of movement of their legs and create stability. However, they are often susceptible to injuries. strengthening
Your knees are essential to mitigate damage and keep your body strong and painless.
The knees are a complex system of joints that supports the body. Strong knees make a difference in everyday life, and the inclusion of exercises with knee intensity in their training regime is for their well-being of crucial importance of the following 10 exercises to keep their knees in top shape.
Before starting with a knee-tower training routine, keep these considerations:
- The correct shape is the key
- If you feel pain, set the exercise immediately
- Use stabilizers such as chair or wall to facilitate the movements for your body
Beginner exercises for knee intensity
You can make these three beginner movements comfortable with squat movements before you go on more advanced exercises.
Very fit
Lifting legs strengthen your quadriceps and avoid putting pressure on the knee. According to the National Health Service, you can add ankle weights to increase the intensity or sit on a chair to reduce it.
- Lie on your back.
- Bend a knee and keep the other straight on the floor.
- Lift the straight leg to meet the height of the curved knee.
- Repeat 10 times.
- Change legs.
Very fit
The bridge is a popular, yet simple exercise to strengthen your buttocks. Strong global muscles can relieve the pressure from the knees when they go or run.
- Lie on your back.
- Bend your knees and flatten your feet on the floor.
- Lift your hips up as you press your buttock muscles.
- Keep this position for 5 seconds.
- Lower yourself back to the starting position.
- Repeat 10-15 times.
Calf increased
Very fit
Veal trains can be carried out on a flat surface or a step for a deeper route. If stability is a challenge, put your hands flat against a wall.
- Stand apart with your feet hip-Width.
- Slowly lift your body on your toes.
- Under the starting position down.
- Repeat 15-20 times.
Interim exercises for the knee intensity
The following exercises at the middle level are aimed at the most important muscles that surround the knee (quads and knee tendons), and increasing strength, stability and flexibility.
Very fit
Progress aims at the quadriceps and strong quads can reduce the load on the knees.
- Stand in front of a step or a bank.
- Increase with one foot.
- Increase with the other foot.
- Enter the same order that you have kicked (e.g. if you first stepped with your right foot, into this order down.)
- Repeat 10 times.
Single -leg stand
Very fit
To increase the intensity when carrying out individual leg stands, close your eyes or stand on an unstable surface like a small trampoline.
- Stand on one leg for 30-60 seconds.
- Change legs.
Wall sits
Very fit
Wall Sits Sits Work her entire leg and aims at quadriceps, knee tendons and buttocks.
- Stand against a wall with your back.
- Slide down into a seated position as if you were sitting on a chair.
- Hold for 20-30 seconds.
- Repeat five times.
Advanced exercises for knee intensity
By carrying out the following exercises, the risk of knee injuries can be reduced by increasing
Support and shock absorption during your daily physical activities.
Very fit
Kniebugen strengthen the gluture muscles, quadriceps and knee tendons.
- Stand apart with your feet hip-Width.
- Bend your knees.
- Lower your body as if you are sitting down.
- Keep your back straight and your knees directly over your ankles so that you have the right shape. Try to form a 90-degree angle between the knee and ankle.
- Press your glacial muscles back into the starting position.
- Repeat 10 times.
Very fit
Failure steps work the same muscles as squats and improve the balance to prevent knee injuries.
- Stand forward with one foot and the other.
- Bend your knees.
- Sink your body until your anterior knee with your ankle.
- Press your leg and gluteal muscles back into the starting position.
- Change legs.
- Repeat 20 times. (10 times per leg.)
Lure the knee tendon
Very fit
Knies tendons are an advanced movement that can take time to be perfect. As soon as you feel comfortable with you, you can make them more challenging by adding ankle weights. You can run them with a leg curling machine or a chair.
- Hold on a chair.
- Bend a knee and bring your heel back to your buttock muscles.
- Lower it back into the starting position.
- Change legs.
- Repeat them 10 times on every leg.
Resistance tape failure steps
Getty Images / Khosrork
For this exercise you need a resistance band that helps to increase resistance and isolate the muscle.
- Position tape under the right leg.
- Stand forward with your right leg and left your left leg.
- Hold the tension on the tape and lower a lunge until both knees are 90 degrees.
- Run back to start.
- Repeat 16 repetitions on each side.
5 reasons to strengthen the knees
Weak knees can increase the risk of sprains, trunks and serious diseases such as osteoarthritis. The structure of the muscles around the knees can improve the health of the legs and increase mobility and stability. These are of scientifically supported reasons why you should focus on increasing the knee strength:
Promotes joint support
Strong muscles around the knee (quadriceps, knee tendons and calf muscles) help to stabilize the joint and to reduce the risk of injuries such as meniscus injuries, tendinitis and ligaments. In an observation study, the researchers found that a low-load knee training regime can improve the joint function and increase the muscle strength. Pain -free walking and physical health, quality of life and social well -being can also improve.
Improves the balance
Strengthening exercises improves the balance and the area of movement, which means that you can help you have critical falls. In a randomized control study, the researchers evaluated symptomatic and asymptomatic participants with kneeosteoarthritis to evaluate whether physical exercise makes a difference in balance. The results showed a significant improvement in the symptomatic knee group, especially in pain and functions; The asymptomatic group also experienced a significant reduction in time to carry out a step test. These results indicate that physical movement, such as: B. knee tax movements, can have a positive impact on the balance and functionality.
Increases mobility
Strong knees are essential for daily physical activities, including walking, shopping, children’s recording and up and up. In a study with multiple sclerosis participants, researchers found that resistance exercise (see elastic bands above) is a functional intervention that can improve the knee mobility and muscle strength in a short time.
Reduces the load on the body
Maintaining strong knee muscles can help to cope with the stress of body weight. In a systematic overview, the researchers found that resistance training with blood flow restrictions (see elastic band exercise above) reduces the joint stress, increase the quadriceps muscle mass and improve functionality in patients with kneeosteoarthritis.
Delayed the age -related degeneration
Strong muscles work to preserve the health of the cartilage and delay degeneration that are associated with aging. In a recently carried out systematic review, the researchers found that movement is a worthwhile therapy that is able to alleviate cartilage regeneration, reduce inflammation and to maintain the bone structure. It is also shown that fitness training reduces pain, stiffness and joint dysfunction.
Strengthening the knee is an essential part of your training routine, as it helps to prevent injuries and maintain general health and well -being. If you improve your mobility and keep your joints flexible, you can do your daily activities to the best of our strength. As always, you should get the approval of a doctor at the start of training, especially if you are susceptible to injuries.