The advantages of gratitude for health and well -being

Once a year as a nation, we put aside as a nation to think about all the reasons why we have to be grateful (yes, it’s not just about Turkey and filling!). Many of us are aware of the spiritual and mental advantages of cultivating thanks in our lives, but it turns out that the advantages of gratitude can even extend to physical health.

To be honest, it is not always easy to overlook our problems and express gratitude. Sometimes it’s just difficult! So is it worth the additional effort? How do we cultivate the habit of gratitude in everyday life, even if it is difficult?

Why is it so difficult to be grateful?

It just sounds, but it turns out that there are biological reasons that gratitude is not so easy.

If you read this on a phone or laptop, your living conditions are better than the majority of the world. You probably have to eat today, probably even food that you chose and enjoyed, and you probably have adequate clothing. However, it is easy to deal with the financial problems of dealing with the only negative comment on a blog post (*ahem*), or the one thing we want us could remedy us.

This makes sense from a biological point of view, but makes gratitude difficult. We are wired to consider things that could be potentially negative or harmful as survival instinct, but in a world of constant contributions from the Internet and on social media, this instinct can backfire.

Science behind positive psychology

Several studies have shown that our positive emotions (or its absence) can give a genetic component. The COMT gene helps us to recycle dopamine in our brain, a neurotransmitter that helps with a positive mood. Study participants with a version of the COMT gene reported a higher degree of gratitude, while those with another version of the GEN had fewer feelings of gratitude.

Scientists have identified several different gene variations that can play a role in gratitude and our intellectual well -being. They also discovered that grateful people in certain areas have more brain activity. On the other hand, toxic emotions such as envy, narcissism and materialism inhibited people to be grateful.

The physical health benefits of gratitude

It is easy to think of the trap: “If I only had ___, I would be happy.” Or “if I had no to deal with ___, I would be happy”, but that’s a vicious circle …

The psychologist Shawn Anchor explains in this big Ted lecture that gratitude and happiness are the first steps, not the end result. By deciding to be grateful and happy (whether we feel like this at the time or not), we literally choose better physical health and mental health.

How does it work? Brain studies show that grateful feelings increase our feeling for well -being and relaxation. Dr. Madiha Saeed, MD, explains:

“Cordial” emotions – such as gratitude, love and caring – produce sinus waves or coherent waves that radiate for each cell of the body, all determines the changes in the variation and measurements of the coherence of the heart rhythm. Studies show that the cardiac rhythm pattern with “exhausted” emotion-like frustration, anger, anxiety and uncertainty becomes more unalterable and the brain recognizes this as stress. This in turn creates a deynchronized state that increases the risk of heart disease and increased blood pressure, the immune system weakens, impaired cognitive function and can prevent our ability to think clearly. “

Over time, this more relaxed state can lead to improved hormone balance and immune function and even a reduced disease rates. The practice of gratitude has positive effects on our nervous system, romantic relationships, self -esteem and even sleep quality.

The American Psychological Association supports this. They found that higher gratitude values ​​for subjects in connection with a better mood, better sleep, more positive health -promoting habits, less inflammation and improved heart health, including lower blood pressure,.

How gratitude helps

Even if a problem occurs, it can still help to be grateful. It is no secret that stress has a negative impact on health, but research can be determined that “gratitude” can be a successful antidote against serious external stressors. In a study, cancer patients who were optimistic about their symptoms and results were less likely to have thickening arteries than those that had negative emotions.

We all make difficult times at some point, but we have positive advantages. Researchers at the University of Connecticut examined people who have already had a heart attack. Those who could see the benefits and be grateful for the experience (even if they didn’t like it) were less likely to have another heart attack.

Personally, I found that when I learned how to grow, and even grateful for what I learned as a result of a trauma helped my healing process.

The best news is that it is absolutely free to be grateful and always make us available! We just have to make the daily gratitude to the habit.

An attitude of gratitude: it lets it stick

Fortunately, it is possible to maintain a grateful attitude and it can be one of the easiest (and cheapest) changes in our health plan! A few simple changes can help make gratitude to the habit:

A daily list

Every day I try to create a list of a few things that I am particularly grateful for this day. Regardless of whether it is small things like my garden or the dishwasher for big things like my children and loved ones. I found that this helps to keep the focus on the many blessings in my life.

When I do it in the morning, it is the tone for the day and helps me to stay positive and happy. I will also ask my children at the end of the day what 3 things they were grateful for.


Every now and then I try to write friends and family members letters that thank you for your influence on my life and describe the reasons in detail why I am grateful to you. Science shows that even sending thanks cards for various reasons has a positive impact on our mood and the mood of the recipient.

Interestingly, a study showed that children, when children wrote writing cards to family members, did not increase their feelings of gratitude. So there can be a ripening component. Regardless of this, I have always encouraged my children to write to thank you notes because it is a good habit to thank others. When children learn to express gratitude, they report less envy and depression.


If you do a small, unnoticed good deed every day, you can increase our natural tendency, be grateful and to look for the good in every situation. This could voluntarily report in a soup kitchen, donate a homeless shelter or prepare a meal for someone who goes through a difficult time.

It can even be so easy to pay someone a sincere compliment about how beautiful his hair looks like that day. You never know what little friendliness your day can really do!

Keep a gratitude journal

Like an extended version of the first proposal, this is a place where you can collect your thoughts regularly. Check what went well during the day or how others have blessed that day. This would be a great time of the year to start a family affair.

I have heard great things about this diary for children and hope to deal with our family soon. One of the best ways to communicate with my daughters is journaling. The process helps you to open more about your experiences and feelings.

Postal memories

There are thousands of prints that concentrate on gratitude. Print out something and put them in the house or do your own with the children! Sometimes we only need the visual memory to surpass our thoughts and to think about the positive.

Set the notes where you can easily see them, like on the fridge or in the bathroom mirror.

Do you want a few more ideas to encourage gratitude? Our family loves this gratitude documentation!

Count my blessing

As Martha Washington said:

“I am still determined to be happy and happy in every situation I like. Because I have also learned from experience that most of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. “

If you are grateful for something today, please let it up in the comments below! Five things for which I am very grateful today are:

  • My family
  • my home
  • A good sleep
  • Access to healthy foods
  • You! I feel blessed to “meet” all wonderful people and to be part of this community. I have learned so much of all of you and I am so encouraged that we create a more positive future for our children together.

This article was medically checked by Madiha Saeed, MD, a family doctor certified by the board. As always, this is not a personal medical advice and we recommend that you speak to your doctor.

What are you grateful for today? Share below!