When is the best time to take protein?

Many people who want to take protein powder are surprised when the best time for their protein – tomorrow or night – is the best time. Maybe even in the middle of the day.

People have their own reasons when the best time is (1).

After all, they want to get the best out of their protein.

They believe that the time when they take it during the day, their fitness goals and muscle building and their repair could influence.

In fact, this generally asked question has no clear answer

The best time to take protein really depends on you and your health and end goals.

If you drink a protein shake to lose weight, you can drink your shake at a different time than, for example, someone who aims to build muscle mass.

In order to determine the best time to drink your protein shake, you first have to consider whether you want to concentrate on building muscle – maybe you would like to lose weight.

As soon as you find out what you want to achieve, you can use the following information to find out when you think you can drink your protein shake.

See what these guys say …

Peter Parasiliti, a health expert, answers the question with it – drink your protein powder or shake you within an hour after your training.

Because he says, the muscles are more receptive.

This is time when it is time to feed the muscles and give them the fuel that is required to restore and repair.

This will lead to faster growth.

And if you want to prepare before training before training, you don’t rely on powder, says another expert, Scott Baptie.

But read what all these people have to say about protein powder and some mistakes you have recorded in your workouts and which you want to fix.

Baptie recommends a delicious, rustic spinach and pepper “he says that he gives them a lot of fuel for their muscle building session.

Let’s take a look at the times of the day and see how it benefits you. To help you decide when the best time is for you …

The best time to take whey protein (if you want maximum results)

1) Take your protein in the morning credit

Have you ever heard of catabolism?

Well, they are the metabolic pathways – these molecules disassemble into much smaller units to be oxidized so that they can release energy.

Or they are used for other anabolic reactions (2).

That just makes it. Most athletes know about catabolism because it is quite common in sporty circles.

It is if you are too exaggerated and don’t eat enough.

Your body needs a good source of energy for energy. If it has none to draw, it uses the muscles as a fuel.

These are not good news or good things that happen to the athletes.

A study from 2006 showed that they increased their strength and the total muscle mass in the protein in the morning (3).

You don’t have to worry after your breakfast shaking if you didn’t have many carbohydrates.

Maybe you have a fitness regime that should help you build muscles.

But it is probably not that you will summarize for breakfast after a protein shaking.

2) Take your protein during the day

You know this feeling too often when you find that you nod at your desk in the office – and it is only in the middle of the day.

The reason could be good that your diet does not consist of food that gives you long -lasting energy.

The body gets most of its energy from the food we eat.

This means that it can lead to a balanced diet or even jumping out meals to a lack of energy and poor diet as well as tiredness.

You could try to share the three main meals of the day into five smaller ones.

Then you could eat every 3 hours.

You would have to see that each of your 5 meals contains protein.

At this point, you could easily have a protein shaking for the energy. Or you can enjoy a can of tuna or a handful of nuts.

3) Have your protein before training with the training

Many protein powder contains high mirrors of amino acids (BCAAs).

You can always find these in protein powders because they help so much to maintain muscle glycogenic storage (4).

Glycogen gives the body energy.

Take a snack before training in the form of a protein shake as well as some complex carbohydrates such as oats or brown rice 45 minutes before training.

This can provide you with the energy to make your training harder.

4) Take in your protein after training

Studies show that their muscles are tired after training – they cry for amino acids. At this stage, she is more absorbed by the protein you drink afterwards (5).

The advantages of protein intake after training for muscle growth and recovery are well documented.

They give their muscles the fuel that they have to recover after their training by consuming protein.

) The University of Tampa carried out a study in 2013 – examined how effective brown travel protein against whey protein kept the recovery after the exercises.

The study reported that there were no differences between the protein types (6).

However, whey contains lactose, so it is not suitable for milk intolerance.

In this case, hemp would be an ideal protein after training.

5) Take protein powder before going to bed

A study that was completed in 2012 by which Maastricht University In the Netherlands reported that if they take protein preparations directly before going to bed, it is digested or consumed by their muscles during bedtime (7).

Her muscles were increased with muscle growth and recovery overnight.

Drinking protein in the evening extends muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and keeps the body in a positive protein balance.

In order to achieve optimal muscle gain for your body, you must have a positive protein balance

If your body is poor amino acids, for example, when it comes from your lifestyle and your training, your body has a negative muscle balance.

It is the condition of your body that slowly loses muscle tissue.

But if you eat strong protein food and protein -shakes, put your body back into a muscle balance that is positive.

If you simply drink additional protein, you will not build muscle.

Only when you combine your protein consumption with resistance training programs and adequate rest and nutritious foods, do you stimulate the preservation and growth of the muscles.

How much should the recommended protein be?

In the nutritional guidelines for Americans created by the US Health Ministry and Human Services, 10-34% of the average daily recording of the average adult should be protein.

So if you consume 2000 calories a day from 200 to 700 calories, protein should consist of. If you are a seated person, you don’t have to consume large amounts of protein.

An active person, on the other hand, has to consume someone who tries to build muscle between 0.7 and 1 gram of protein per pound body weight.

The best types of protein

The best types of protein would be casein, whey, rice, pea and soy.

Always choose a high -quality protein powder that is vegetarian -based and fermented.

Many people react to lactose and whey in the traditional protein powders, and the vegetable basis is extremely in demand in today’s health and fitness world.

Will your sleep be disturbed by a protein shake at night?

There are no reports that protein powder disturb sleep.

If it is a protein powder that contains a lot of sugar, this can delay your sleep time due to the sugar storm.

If you want to prevent this, instead, drink the low-sugar-like protein shakes instead.

How many shakes during the day are okay?

If you have difficulty getting enough protein in your diet, the addition to shakes is okay if it is a healthy shake.

However, remember that the amount of protein you need every day depends on your activity levels, weight, size and gender.

Can you have too much protein?

There is a limit of how much protein you should consume. In general, you should not eat your body weight more than 2 grams of protein per pound.

If you are someone who weighs 150 pounds, you shouldn’t eat more than 300 grams of protein.

If you are protein (8).

The best food for muscle growth

If you try to strengthen and grow your muscles, high protein foods are essential.

The easiest way to win muscles is to be in a slight calorie surplus. Consume more calories than your body burns.

In addition to protein powder, you should also eat foods such as lean meat, Greek yogurt, fish, lentils, tofu, beans and nuts.


If you build up muscles quickly and reduce your recovery time and have a lot of energy, it is not difficult to beat a decent protein shake – regardless of whether you choose vegan or whey.

We have seen from research that the addition with protein as part of your resistance training program helps you to maintain the lean mass and increase your strength.

Always remember to be responsible with a lot of protein absorption as in protein shakes.

Taking protein preparations is not a CAT-all solution to quickly add the mass.

It doesn’t quite work. Protein powder is a convenient way to increase your protein intake every day.

For some it is a solution to correct a sweet tooth and for others to lose weight.

A study by the University of Montreal showed that some professional athletes did not improve their performance or recovery because they did not know how to use them correctly.

Be responsible, use them how you should and accept them if you know that you are right for you and you will harvest the rewards.
