Side effects of amino acids of the branched chain (BCAA)

Amino acids (BCAAs) for branched chain should be very advantageous, especially for those who want to lose weight and win muscles.

However, there are some possible side effects of BCAAs.

Some are cardiovascular and others are related to cancer and diabetes.

In this article we will explain what BCAAs are and what potential adverse side effects.

We will also discuss BCAA and cancer.

What are BCAAs?

According to the National Library of Medicine, BCAAs are a class of essential amino acids that occur in large quantities in muscle proteins.

The body metabolizes them to create energy for muscle tissue. Each amino acid has its own physiological effect.

Some essential amino acids can produce protein, others are not.

Types of BCAA essential amino acids

There are three different types of BCAAs; Leucin, Valin and isolucin.

All three affect muscle growth and movement.

Many gyms, fitness fanatics and bodybuilders who want to increase muscle mass and strength use a form of amino acid with branched chains.

How do we get BCAAs?

Amino acids with branched chains are essential nutrients that come from protein in our diet.

They are essential for the body because they stimulate the structure of proteins and reduce the reduction of the muscle.

Similar to other essential amino acids, your body cannot produce these BCAAs naturally, so they have to be obtained from our diet from protein -rich foods.

You can also use BCAA preparations in the form of whey powder and pills.

The main functions of branched chain amino acids

BCAAs meet three different roles in the body:

  • Provide the building blocks for muscle protein synthesis
  • act as a source of fuel if it is catabolized by trichloralic acid
  • Stimulate the cellular signal transmission through the MTOR path.

By decoupling insulin signals and regulating protein translation, BCAAs are essential for growth and health.

Due to these three main functions, these essential amino acids can support muscle growth, reduce sore muscles and reduce muscle damage.

There are also other potential advantageous effects of BCAAs on the body, but further examinations are required to validate them.

BCAA side effects

BCAA pills

1) Cardiovascular diseases

Although the study indicates that BCAAs can help prevent cardiovascular diseases by protecting the myocardy against plaque structure, BCAAs can have some side effects on cardiovascular diseases.

Some studies suggest that a chemical connection called BT2 can contribute to reinforcing the BCAA metabolism in the heart. However, further studies are required to confirm this theory.

These essential amino acids are associated with heart failure. In animal models, researchers from the University of Alabama in Birmingham found that the BCAA recording had a disadvantageous influence on heart health.

Animals were fed with a BCAA-enriched meal during the evening, which caused the heart to grow dramatically.

In addition, the high BCAA recording worsened the progression of heart cycle diseases.

In a prospective study, BCAAs metabolites were associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases in women and men, compared to those who do not take BCAA nutritional supplements.

2) Cancer

Studies have shown that, despite its significant role in the energy high -homöostasis for cancer cells, BCAAs can be toxic.

BCAAs regulate a variety of biological processes, including lipogenesis, energy metabolism and nutrient signaling.

The latest metabolic analysis of breast cells with gene mutations showed increased BCAA levels.

The increased BCAA levels suggest a role for BCAAs when developing this type of cancer. However, further examinations are required to understand the role of BCAAs in cancer.

3) Diabetes

There are some contradictory evidence of the relationship between BCAAs and diabetes dietary.

While dietary BCAAs have a positive impact on insulin sensitivity, there is also indications that an amino acid of the branched chain can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

The mirrors of these essential amino acids in the blood can be influenced by the metabolism of an individual and changes in the function of the power source of a cell.

Researchers still have to find a conclusive connection between BCAA and type -2 -diabetes, but they have shown positive associations with insulin sensitivity and glycemic control.

Although it is unclear whether a BCAA supplementation of the dietary BCAA can increase the risk of type -2 diabetes, genetic susceptibility to some studies has been associated with.

4) Fatigue

Many people wonder whether BCAA dietary supplements cause fatigue. The answer to this question depends on the cause.

The intake of BCAAs can increase its energy levels and delay the effects of fatigue due to its impact on muscle protein.

However, some people are sensitive to BCAAs, and others experience both an energy and fatigue lack. In both cases, it is best to consult a doctor before taking dietary supplements.

5) Coordination loss

BCAA preparations can reduce the amount of tryptophan in the brain. This can reduce brain activity and coordination.

It is unclear how that happens. However, medical specialists believe that BCAA nutritional supplements can lead to dehydration, which can lead to a reduction in coordination and other cognitive skills.

6) stomach problems

There are some reports from BCAA supplementary users who complain about stomach problems.

For various reasons, some people may have difficulty digesting BCAA nutritional supplements and consuming spices, probiotics and digestive enzymes.

One of the main factors associated with the inability to properly tolerate BCAA nutritional supplements is that many of them contain additives that cause diarrhea, bloating, nausea, vomiting, etc.

It is important to check the label of your nutritional supplement to ensure that they do not contain additives.

If you suspect that your addition causes stomach problems, you may want to change brands or select another brand.

The list of ingredients and the formulation of the product will tell you whether the addition causes your problems.

Potentially troubling ingredients
  • Sucralose
  • citric acid
  • Aspartam

6) Other suspected side effects of branched chain amino acid

Amino acids with branched chains can cause more side effects than those explained above. Some others are:

  • Weight gain
  • Low blood sugar
  • itching

Last thoughts

BCAA supplements provide the body amino acids that perform essential functions to support muscle protein synthesis and the reduction of fatty acids to improve muscle mass.

BCAA nutritional supplements, especially if they are used excess and used for a longer period of time, can cause harmful side effects, including but not limited to insulin resistance, stomach -intestine problems, fatigue, cancer and diabetes.

These amino acids must be used with caution, and if you have an underlying disease, you should avoid using protein preparations with you, unless you have been deleted by a medical specialist.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Are BCAAS toxic?

BCAAs are not necessarily poisonous. However, if you overdose, this could have toxic effects.

Can I use them during pregnancy?

We do not recommend use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. It is best to speak to your health service provider before using BCAA preparations or protein preparations with these amino acids.

What can I use instead of BCAAs?

You can replace BCAAs for food that contain protein and use protein preparations that are BCAA-free.

Is it okay to take it every day?

It is best to call up and call these amino acids. Longer use can lead to disadvantageous effects and dependencies.

What is the ideal BCAA dose?

Studies have shown that the ideal dose of the supplementary BCAA for healthy adults is 4-20 g a day.