How to lose facial fat (13 options to reduce the weight on your face)

Have you ever wondered how to lose your face fat forever?

It seems that wherever we turn nowadays, there is a super thin model on every poster wall or any magazine that you want to leaf through.

Facial fat is cute as a child, but they enter adulthood, unfortunately a source of ridiculousness and shame can be.

No wonder that more people are curious about losing fat and looking for ways to chisel these gols lines.

And this does not only apply to women- the times when losing weight was only a concern of women.

Men are increasingly aware of their weight and are looking for ways to achieve their ideal body weight.

Everyone is absolutely beautiful.

However, this does not mean that you should not strive to approach what a target weight should be.

One of the most difficult places to reconstitute again?

Strangely enough, her round face.

But don’t worry too- as sometimes everything it needs is a little know-how- exactly what we want to teach you below.

What is face fat?

Simple enough, but more precisely facial fat is a frequent term for the large, plump fat deposits of white adipose tissue, which can accumulate in the frontal aspect of the face, normally under the cheeks and chin.

The strange is that it affects not only overweight or obese people, but also through average people.

This has caused some experts to believe that it has a strong genetic component.

White adipose tissue is also known to lose than brown fat fat, which contains higher mitochondrial numbers and makes calorie -free combustion easy.

“Brown fat” As it is said, it had important roles in survival in cold climate zones because it was effective to keep us warm.

In short, it makes it easy to burn fat when you have more brown types.

How to get a slimmer face – make your face with these 13 tips thinner

Reduce face fat

1) Reduce sodium intake


What if you thought you had facial fat, but instead it turned out that it was water retention?

Sodium is notorious to promote water retention in the body.

As a result, there is swelling, everywhere from the ankles to their middle part and face.

While the degree in which this happens can vary, depending on how much sodium you consume daily, and your genetic predisposition, it can easily be confused with fat.

2) Water is your friend

Bottle of waterBottle of water

When it depends on this, the loss of fat requires the same principle as weight loss everywhere else creating a calorie deficit.

This deficit can result from nutrition or movement, but even better- a combination of both.

Drinking water is not only important because it acts as a vehicle will have a structural effect on the appetite.

Try a glass or two before a meal is high. You probably don’t have much space to have this second plate with food.

The general health benefits cannot be disputed.

Finally, but only in the event that you need even more convincing is the fact that water leads to a short metabolic boost that can help you burn a few more calories every time.

The change may not look significant, but positive results gradually achieve.

3) Limit simple sugar

Simple sugarSimple sugar

Simple sugar has nothing good.

In addition to their delicious quality, they carry out their hormones and neurotransmitter chaos and set them on pseudo-industrial management.

But that’s not all, easy sugar consumption lets her hold back and even gain more fat around your face.

This is due to the effect of insulin, which is released and every time there is blood sugar.

Thanks to insulin, it will be difficult for you to lose a lot of fat while your body is in the “memory” mode.

Puffwangen are a good indication of consuming too much sugar.

A good approach is to consume slower digestion of carbohydrates that slowly result in glucose over the course of the hours.

In this way, insulin levels remain lower and your body does not stay in fat storage mode all day.

4) restrict alcohol to reduce cheek fat

Guy with alcoholGuy with alcohol

Theoretically, alcohol is a simple sugar, but sugar alcohol. It looks a little different in the body.

On the one hand, it slows down the fat metabolism and the use to the same extent as glucose, but also increases fat.

Alcohol also increases stress hormone levels.

Higher cortisol levels lead Weight gain and fluid retention.

Then it has an impact that the chronic consumption of the liver is caused by excess fat accumulation of liver consumption. It also leads to a dehydration that continues to slow down the metabolism.

5) Eat more protein


Consuming more protein every day is the first way to get your body to lose more weight and without doing anything more!

If you consume more protein with every meal, you can lose weight in different ways.

First, protein is extremely filling.

This helps you to eat less at every session, which is good yourself to help with weight loss in general.

Second, and above all, the thermal effect it has. If we eat food, it requires calories for the digestive process or a processing fee.

This calorie requirement is highest for protein, which is average 20-30% of total calories.

If this protein meal theoretically contained 600 calories, you could only have 400 calories after digestion.

This makes it perfect to help you create these jaw and cheekbones.

6) Eat more fiber

Woman who eats fiberWoman who eats fiber

Did you know that eating more fiber is one of the most recommended possibilities to close your chubby cheeks?

Yes, but not because it does something magical per se.

Simply because it helps to keep your appetite in chess.

Fiber does two things that slow down the glucose absorption.

Fiber can also help remove excess water from your body, which can lead to swelling around your face.

7) exercises to reduce the facial fat


You did not think that reaching a carved and slim face would be possible without a good old elbow fat, right?

Although it is quite possible to achieve the shape you want, some facial exercises can go into a lot of face, since of course you do the right ones!

Use a mirror to control the techniques if necessary.

8) The lifter of the cheekbone bone

If you want to cheek slimmer, you have to stimulate the facial muscles with movement. This exercise is extremely simple:

  • Press your cheeks up with your fingers.
  • Open your mouth and let your lower jaw fall as far as possible to form an o
  • Keep this position for 30 seconds before resting for 15 seconds
  • Repeat 10 times.

After you have done this, you should tire a certain amount of cheek muscles. This is a good sign of success. Say goodbye to Wangenfett!

9) cheek squeezes

Pressed their cheeksPressed their cheeks

While the lifter of the cheekbone is great for a slimmer appearance, squeezing cheeks really helps with the definition. Carry out:

  • Tilt your head back and expand your chin forward
  • Press your cheeks as far as possible (classic “fish face”))
  • Keep this position for a few seconds and repeat the 20 -fold

10) Half -crumb

Half skins are excellent in targeting fat deposits between the cheeks and the lips, an otherwise difficulty area to aim.

Try to point a side of your mouth down (right cheek, followed by the left cheek or vice versa)

Keep this position for 5 seconds and then alternate alternate

Perform each page 10 times

11) Kief bend

Tinted cheekbones look great, but do you know what is perfect with match?

A carved chin and jaw. These facial exercises help you get there. To get rid of this double chin, do the following:

  • Tilt your head back and lift your lower lip over the upper
  • You should feel how the muscles in your face lift into the area directly under your ears
  • Keep this position for 10 seconds and repeat the 10-20 times

12) roll rolls

Not everyone is the same. Sure, you have some additional fat in the cheek or in the chin area, but for some people the neck is your biggest error area.

Losing cheek fat is easiest for the majority of people.

First and foremost, make sure that your neck appears larger than normal (to rule out the thyroid disease).

As soon as you have given the all-clear, you can do this exercise without worry.

  • To achieve the performance, simply tend your head to the side and hold on for 10 seconds.
  • Repeat a total of five times for each page

This stimulates the muscles in the neck and can reduce fat deposits there

13) Good old cardio


While face -specific exercises are ideal for sounding the muscles there, you still have to make sure that the total body fat is low enough to achieve this.

It is very difficult to recognize fat only from the face (in fact the spot reduction is viewed as a fitness myth).

In this sense, you need to create a plan for cardio exercises that increase energy consumption and then promote the potential of fat loss.

A good cardio plan is to carry out exercises such as jogging, running, cycling or even 4-5 days a week for at least 30 minutes per session.

If you can’t just try to get a few minutes.

Slowly increase the time that has spent a maximum of 60 minutes.

Last words

The fat and the overall burning of fat and total burning is an achievable goal. However, it requires a clever, concerted effort in several fronts.

This means that food, lifestyle and activity that could promote fat residual reservation.

For the tip: Try chewing gum and yoga to increase your profound Atemdauer. These all contribute to contour the desired face shape and to receive the defined jaw line!