Does MCT oil work for weight loss?

Did you know that MCT OIL is the latest weight reduction?

There are literally millions of people who have taken over the ketogenic diet since their time in the 1920s.

And then it wasn’t really diet, you could say; It aimed to treat epilepsy. Dr. Russell Wilder from Mayo Clinic created it.

On the way, people found a supporter of the keto diet; is that MCT oil has become very popular for its weight loss properties.

Someone else discovered the amazing weight loss properties of MCT oil; Dave Asprey – you must have heard of bulletproof coffee.

Can MCT help you burn fat and lose weight?

Coconut -mct -oil

McTs was made extremely popular by Dave Aprey

Not all MCT oils are produced equally.

Your MCT oil should be obtained from coconuts.

It can help you stay concentrated and ward off the desire to eat more. It is also known to give a person of fat burning ketone energy.

Even if you don’t have a keto diet, you can use the health benefits.

Studies have shown that you can cheer on your brain and improve mental clarity and sharpness.

For those who are not in the keto diet, they may have wondered how MCT oil and bulletproof coffee have all started.

Don’t worry, we have assured you – read everything about it here.

It is a coffee preparation made from butter and MCT oil.

And if you want to live to be 180, like Dave Asprey, watch how Mct oil is part of his trip to do this.

MCT oil gives incredible energy additives

You can be sure that Dave Aspray got a lot of fire from many health experts over his ball -safe coffee – that it is not recommended.

But Dave never switched off all of this.

He swears by his bulletproof coffee. In 2015 he even opened his own shop in Santa Monica to build even more.

He says it’s not just about health, but also about high performance.

As we have seen above, MCT Oil triglycerides contains (1).

It is usually made from coconut oil. The way MCT oil comes from coconut oil (2).

Since the body cannot produce fatty acids, people have to consume them in food or food supplements.

However, they are important and play an important role in combating health problems that can range from cancer to cardiovascular diseases.

Since MCT oil has medium-chain triglycerides, they do not have to be digested.

They are sent directly to the liver, where they get used to delivering fast energy or for other purposes.

Why is MCT oil advertised as a way to help you lose weight?

1) You feel full

MCT OIL works better than coconut oil so that you feel fuller longer and help you to reduce body weight and weight.

For those who follow the keto diet, MCT has proven the best selection of oil because it is converted into ketones (3).

To produce ketones, the liver burns stored body fat (4). This is the stubborn fat that is an essential factor for obesity.

And MCTS also play an important role in the production of ketones.

Anyone who follows the keto diet will know that they can only lose weight if they “stay in ketosis”.

They were repeatedly said that they should keep their carbohydrate consumption low, or they will go straight out of ketosis.

When the liver transforms MCTS into ketones, the process increases the number of ketones available for energy.

The more ketone a keto diet has in the body, the easier it is to stay in ketosis. This is the conclusion; The keto diet keeps the consumption of MCT oil.

2) It helps to increase perseverance and concentrate

In the 1980s, the use of MCTS also came into the sports world. They would replace other types of nutrition oils or fats.

It was found that MCTS delivered a quick energy thrust for endurance sports. We can understand the reasons why MCTs were found so valuable by endurance athletes.

They received an effective and quick energy push from the medium -chain fats. They did not have to deal with potential health problems that were associated with traditional “carbohydrate” for energy.

The NY Post recently reported that top celebrities like Emma Stone and Kourtney Kardashian MCT add to their coffee to lose weight.

You have found that it increases your perseverance and focus.

Danielle Desimone, a nutrition coach, points out “Mct oil is digested faster than other fats like olive oil. It helps us quickly, long -lasting energy. “

This energy helps to breed cravings for sugar and carbohydrates, the food that leads to insulin tips.

Using MCT oil in your coffee is better to lose weight than to drink ketochapasses

Did you know that a single cup of ketocafe contains the recommended amount of saturated fat is almost a fifth of the calories.

It’s pretty unhealthy, isn’t it?

Second, bulletproof coffee is also very filling.

For this reason, so many dieters skip the rest of their breakfast.

However, they lose many other important nutrients that they would otherwise get from fruit, vegetables and protein.

A better choice than keto coffee is easy to add MCT oil into your coffee or tea

And that’s without butter or ghee.

Keto-friendly coffee like Super Coffee.

This comes with MCT oil, which is already mixed in it.

It contains fewer calories and has very little saturated fat.

However, you don’t have to have an MCT oil in coffee

Since MCT oil is tasteless, it is so easy to consume.

And there is a lot of indications that MCT OIL’s ability to help Keto readers to reach ketosis and stay in ketosis (5).

There is also evidence that a strict keto diet can lead to very impressive weight loss.

This is as long as the Dieter stays in ketosis (6).

This immediately prevents people from eating too much if they try to lose weight.

However, MCTS also contribute to inducing thermogenesis or heat generation in the body – it helps to burn dieters and reduce their weight.

A study of overweight men showed that their body energy when they consumed McTs (7).

It was also noticed that subcutaneous fat; This frustrating layer of fat, which hinders the potential for a tinted middle section, also reduces with the consumption of MCTS.

Mcts are rarely saved as fat

As for people who try to free themselves from excess pounds (8).

But the story has more.

McTs also have other excellent health benefits, apart from the fact that they help someone lose weight.

Technically speaking, coconut oil and MCTs are not the same

  • Coconut oil contains around 55-65% of the MCTs.
  • MCT oil contains 100% MCTS. This is an important distinction, because although both healthy fats come from coconuts, they do not work in the body in the same way.
  • The special thing about MCTS is that you are a fast -acting energy source for your body. They avoid the normal digestive process and allow body and brain to use them almost immediately.
  • Long -chain triglycerides (LCTS) and long -chain fatty acids, as contained in avocados and olive oil, have more carbon atoms. You need more energy to process.
  • The consumption of MCTS triggers the body to create ketones. They therefore help with weight loss, especially with the keto diet.

Preventing obesity and starting a weight loss diet with MCTS

Researchers have concluded that MCTS could be used to prevent obesity and to start a weight loss diet.

Scientists are firmly convinced that MCTS can safely include in a weight loss program.

This is because you probably do not contribute to weight gain or cause negative side effects.

To support this, certain participants who used MCT oil and diagnosed the metabolic syndrome were cleared by this diagnosis according to the study.

MCT OIL has proven to be effective to help people in general improve their general health.

But people have to recognize that only MCT oil adds to their diet guarantees no quick weight loss.

How should you consume MCT oil for weight loss?

For many reasons, MCT OIL is an excellent replacement for long -chain triglycerides in nutrition.

When it comes to weight loss, there is one thing that is important and that is the dose.

In fact, the exact amount of MCTs that you need to consume depends on your weight loss to your daily calorie needs.

In general, you reset ten grams of MCT oil powder about 70 calories.

If you burn around 2000 calories a day and your goal is to lose weight, you have to make sure that you eat fewer than 2000 calories a day.

Most people will benefit from staying at about one or two portions of McTs a day.

This will count for around 140 calories a day.

Remember that when you go overboard with McTs; In fact, you can easily exceed your calorie needs for the day for any kind of food.

It is best for you that if you take MCTS, you tend to treat you as if you were eating food through an addition.


If you eat a bad diet and believe that adding MCT oil will suddenly bring you back to the first and a healthy beginning; They push them into ketosis and they are disappointed.

You are right to assume that MCT oil can feel fat for longer.

This can help you reduce how much you eat. It can also increase your metabolic rate and help you burn more calories all day.

Not only that, MCT OIL can help you reduce your weight and body fat, as it can help to suppress your appetite so that you are not tried to eat more.

Studies have shown that the medium-chain fatty acids found in MCT oil are particularly advantageous when it comes to losing fat in the keto diet-only if they follow a ketogenic, carbohydrate-low diet.

The conclusion is that MCT oil is certainly a solution to help you lose weight. As long as you use MCTs correctly, you are on a good thing.
