Amino acids (BCAAs) for branched chain have become one of the most commonly known amino acids.
You see them in almost every drink before training and a protein shake, but do you ever wonder if you actually help?
Many people have the impression that BCAAs are useful because they convey energy to them – what is true.
But are these three essential amino acids for preparations or as a supplement after training? Let us learn more about you.
What are BCAAs?
BCAA stands for branched amino acids.
These are essential amino acids, which means that they are not produced by the body and have to be preserved by food or nutritional supplements.
BCAAs can be found in high concentrations in the muscles and in the central nervous system. This includes:
- Leucin – is the most common amino acid in the muscles. It is also responsible for regulating the metabolism.
- Isoleucin – is a forerunner of glucose.
- Valine – is a forerunner of energy in the muscles.
How does branched chain amino acids (BCAA) work?
The body uses amino acids (AA) to build and repair muscles that are affected by the breakdown of muscle proteins.
While the body can synthesize some AA, there are nine essential amino acids that need to be obtained from food.
These are referred to as essential amino acids.
This includes leucine, isolucin, valine and phenylalanine as well as tryptophan, tyrosine and histidine.
The body has the ability to disassemble AA into smaller pieces called peptides.
It is known that BCAA is metabolized to two important peptides: carbon dioxide (CO2) and ammonia (NH3).
AAS are metabolized in the liver and kidneys and are also absorbed by the muscles.
During training, muscles absorb more amino acids than reducing muscle fatigue and building muscle by improving muscle protein synthesis.
This is because you are using them to build new proteins and reduce the delayed muscle core.
Do you give you BCAA food supplements energy?
BCAA dietary supplements can increase their energy level because they break out in ammonia and carbon dioxide (CO2).
However, it does not provide or improve the energy level such as glucose.
It is known that they increase the energy in the body. This also happens with glucose, the energy source in the body.
For this reason, BCAA powder is often used in conditions and whey protrudes.
In general, BCAA nutritional supplements are used to restore and prepare in two forms:
- In liquid form: This is used for drinks before training together with other essential amino acids, carbohydrates and electrolytes.
- In powder form: This is taken with water before or after training.
While BCAA is often referred to as the “energy molecule”, they are actually not the same as “energy”.
Energy is defined as the ability to work while ATP is a chemical that is saved and transmitted with energy. Both molecules play a role in the energy, but they are not the same.
Are BCAAs good for the preparations?
BCAAs are energy -producing amino acids, but they are not the best choice for preparation.
There are some reasons for this:
- BCAA nutritional supplements are hydrophilic, which means that they dissolve in water. However, water is absorbed in our intestine. For this reason, BCAA supplements in liquid form are not slightly absorbed.
- BCAA nutritional supplements are metabolized faster than other amino acids, so that they are not the best for performance.
- BCAA nutritional supplements are used in the muscle and central nervous system, so that there is already a lot of it in the body.
BCAAs are used better than amino after training because they can be recovered and rehydrated faster than other amino acids in muscles.
The effects of BCAA nutritional supplements on your body
BCAA nutritional supplements influence and interact with your body, especially with your muscle chemical structure in many ways.
Improvement of muscle protein synthesis
BCAA’s goal is to reduce muscle breakdown and improve muscle protein synthesis.
Due to longer movement, they break off amino acids in their muscles. This is normal, but too much breakdown can lead to a waste of muscle.
BCAAs prevent too much muscle protein reducing by balancing the scale with improved muscle protein synthesis.
This also contributes to building muscles in your training program.
BCAAs can help to improve the brain function
Movement can improve brain function and reduce the risk of cognitive diseases, and BCAAs play a role by improving brain function.
BCAAs reduce the recovery times
Exercise causes damage to your muscles, which triggers an inflammatory reaction.
BCAAs react to this muscle damage in order to reduce the inflammatory reaction and accelerate its recovery times.
In the same way, taking BCAA nutritional supplements increase muscle protein synthesis in order to reduce sore muscles and train fatigue.
This list is not exhaustive because there are many other options for taking BCAA supplements from the body properly.
The problem with most BCAA products
The biggest problem with BCAA nutritional supplements is that they do not come in pure form.
They normally come as a combination samic acid supplement – which means that they are not taken in their pure form.
BCAA nutritional supplements are usually found as a combination of amino acids because they are cheaper to produce and be easier to sell.
If you take a BCAA supplement, make sure that you take it in its pure form.
The best BCAA nutritional supplements are in pure form and are absorbed with protein such as whey powder.
How to increase the amino acid level on the branched chains in a natural way
Consumption of protein-rich foods is a more natural way to increase your BCAA absorption than to take BCAA nutritional supplements.
BCAA are branched amino acids contained in food such as fish, meat and dairy products.
This is one of the reasons why these foods are also known to build muscle tissue and keep your brain from its best side.
Many people believe that they should eat a lot of protein to build muscle, but too much protein can actually cause muscle loss.
If you consume excess protein, it is broken down into ammonia, which can then be converted into urea and excreted from the body.
Other ways to receive BCAA are:
- Dietary supplements with a ratio of 1: 1: 1-DH of a dating of whey isolate (which consists of BCAA), casein (which consists of other non-industry amino acids) and leucine (the only BCAA in whey isolate)
- Consume whey protein powder
Examples of foods that are rich in BCAA are:
- Hemp seeds
- Beans and other legumes
- Nuts and seeds
- Chicken breast
- Lean piece of beef
- yogurt
- cottage cheese
Correcting your food labels is a great way to find the number of BCAAs in different foods that you eat.
If your goal is to increase muscle mass or lose weight, it is crucial that you consume the full number of protein.
National Library of Medicine Studies indicate that their daily protein intake should correspond to 1.6 g/kg/day and up to 2.2 g/kg/day in order to optimally use the creation of muscle proteins with resistance exercises.
Always remember that you do not use BCAA powder or other common supplementary materials to replace your meals.
It is important that you adhere to a healthy diet and then use food supplements to expand your profits.
The end result
As you can see, BCAAs are pretty good. You can help you recover faster, improve the brain function and improve the general quality of life.
BCCAAs are usually found as a combination of amino acids and as a supplement before or after training.
BCAA is a useful amino acid for muscle growth and recovery, but does not offer you energy.
While it collapses in carbon dioxide and ammonia (NH3), it does not offer them energy like glucose.
BCAAs are often used as amino before training.
They are metabolized much faster than other amino acids, so that they don’t help much with performance.
While BCAAs are great for muscle growth and recovery, they are not so good for the preparations.
If you want amino acids that help with the loss of preparation, try a non-essential amino acid like L-Citrullin.
If you want to optimally use your BCAA supplement, make sure that you take it in its pure form.
With all the advantages of BCAAs, it is no wonder that they are so popular.
BCAA nutritional supplements are helpful for anyone who exercises whether this will maintain health or to improve sporting performance.
Also ensure that you eat enough protein and then add it by taking BCAAs.
You get many BCAAs from natural food sources by simply eating a balanced diet.