Category: Nutrition
What do carbohydrates do?
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Love, hate or fear them; Carbohydrates are an incredibly important nutrient. These substances consisting of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are fueling all possible body functions. Although you can live technically…
What is an anti -inflammatory diet?
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Every day, your immune system protects you from things that could disturb your body’s homeostasis such as stress, infection, pathogens, irritants or damaged cells. It focuses on removing these things…
Soluble against insoluble fiber: how do you choose
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You probably already know that fiber is good for you, but did you know that there are different types? The two main categories of fiber include soluble fiber and insoluble…
Advantages, exercises and how to start
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Functional strength training has become a keyword in the fitness world, but if you are a personal trainer or an athlete, you may not be familiar with what it actually…
What to do immediately, one day and a week afterwards
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There is no better feeling than crossing the finish line after 26.2 miles. All of your months of hard work and training sessions have paid off, and now you just…
Everything you need to know
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Pickleball is an entertaining paddle sport with low intensity for people of all ages and every level of skill. It is not only the fastest growing sport in a row…
How to build a strong, stable core
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The abdominal muscles are part of a more extensive system from which all movements of your body come. This system is its core, which many confuse because it only consists…
Is it good to run after eating? Explain dietician
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You may have been told that you should easily take it after eating a large meal, especially during fodder -heavy holidays such as Thanksgiving. Or you don’t really move much…
Advantages, side effects and more
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Green tea is one of the oldest drinks known to humans. The drink from China comes from the leaves of the leaves of the Camellia sinensis Plant and can date…
Wrong running shoes? Here is what can happen
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If you are looking for new running shoes, it is probably the first place where you start, and then the selection of the numerous and even confusing functions can be…