Category: Beauty
Luxurious DIY lotion recipe
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If you still use the lotion bought in the shop, there are super simple natural alternatives that are fun! This DIY lotion recipe has three basic ingredients and only takes…
Homemade aloe vera lotion
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I try to moist and drink a lot of minerals (including salt water), but sometimes my skin needs a little more fluid. This aloe -vera lotion makes the dry skin…
Recipes for natural hair dye (for every hair color)
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I spent hours experimenting with recipes for organic hair care such as homemade conditioners and dry shampoo. This time it was natural hair color options. My family is used to…
How to blush cream (plus bronzer)
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I have experimented with homemade make -up for years, from DIY concealer and highlighter to lip balm to mascara. I have a powder blast I love it that works well,…
Brighten green tea -serum
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Green tea is formally known as Camellia sinensis and is a great way to absorb tired skin. Camellia Sinensis Blattextrakt gains popularity in toners, cleaning agents and moisturizing. While brands…
6 ways to get healthy hair
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I was one or six time pregnant and had the wonderful thick hair that goes hand in hand with it. Then comes the postpartum hair loss. For years I have…
The best natural beard oil options
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While I’ve never grown a beard myself, many men have in my life! Regardless of whether it is your husband, father or brother, here are some great options for the…
How to make natural lip gloss
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I enjoyed doing my own lipstick with natural ingredients, but sometimes a girl needs a little lip gloss. A natural lip gloss can give the lips some shine and color…
Baking powder -axle cavity -Timiation: Do you work?
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In an increasingly poisonous world, more people are looking for natural remedies and simple possibilities for detoxification. If you have spent the time to read articles online or keep stepping…
DIY DRY Shampoo Recipe for Helles and Dark Hair
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Dry shampoo has become more and more popular over the years and I can see why. A hair care product that makes your look clean when it has not been…