Master the oil cleaning method for beautiful skin

I have already written about many natural beauty ideas, but oil cleaning can be one of the simplest. It is one of the most effective natural beauty tips that I have found for healthy, clearer skin. Here you can find out how you add it to your skin care routine and why it can work so well!

I admit, I was skeptical before trying this oil cleaning method for the first time. My skin is naturally oily and I was not sure if it would work for me. When I was younger, I also had a very pending skin and was afraid that a method like this would bring back acne … I was wrong!

What is oil cleaning?

It may sound crazy, but the idea of ​​using natural oils to gently clean the skin is very useful. The basic idea is to use natural oils in a specific combination to clean the natural oils of the skin and to compensate for naturally. This creates a nourished and moisturizing skin than the facial wash on a detergent basis.

The basic concept of oil cleaners is to massage and clean the skin. How dissolved how and the carrier oils help to dissolve the contaminants in the pores. Warm water then opens the pores so that dirt and sebum can be easily removed.

OCM fans claim that it can help with oily skin, dry skin, sensitive skin, black head and whiteheads. The types of oil you choose depend on your skin type.

Natural make -up remover

Many make -up products contain oil and oil cleaning can also help remove them. Use it to remove basic powder, mascara and even eyes -Make -up! Here are more DIY -Make -up remover ideas.

Does the oil cleaning method work?

This is the part that I can look forward to! Even in the third trimester of pregnancy I had no outbreaks! I used oil cleaning for several months to avoid errors and remove make -up.

When I started using oil cleaning, I had an adjustment phase in which my skin deteriorated for about a week. Most of the resources I have seen indicate that this is a detoxification reaction as contamination is pulled out of the skin. It definitely seemed to be for me. After that, my skin gradually improved and only had oil cleaning by 3-4 weeks, I had no excess oil, no dryness and no blackheads.

I asked several friends and family members who are now using the oil cleaning method How it worked for youAnd they seemed to achieve the same results. Some even found that the combination of oil cleaning and daily gelatin was the best anti-aging treatment!

Oil cleaning ingredients

Would you like to try out the oil cleaning and see the results yourself? All you need are some natural oils and a clean, damp washcloth!

The most frequently used oils are castor oil And olive oil, although you can use any natural oil. Castor oil is naturally astringent and helps to pull impurities off the skin. This makes it ideal for greasy or mixing skin (and even dry skin in fewer quantities). While I use castor oil packs to support detoxification, it can get too hard if it is used undiluted as an oil cleaner.

They mix the castor oil with another carrier oil (or more) that match your skin type. My other favorite oil is olive oil, although sunflowers, safflor or even coconut oil can work.

Which oils are best suited for oil cleaning?

Some oils such as rosehip oil and castor oil are more astringent (drying) than others. Others like olive oil can be too heavy for naturally greasy skin. Here you will find some options for oil cleaning options and how you work:

Base oil

These are oils that can be used in large quantities together with the castor oil.

  • Avocado oil – Good for combination, dry or mature skin.
  • Grape seed oil -Warn oil, which is good for greasy or acne -tendered skin.
  • Sunflower oil – A lighter oil that is good for combination or greasy skin.
  • Sweet almond oil – Good for greasy, sensitive or mixer types.
  • Coconut oil – It works very well for some and not so good for others. It can be too dry and porn in debt, especially for acne. Some people love it in skin care products.
  • olive oil – to use my favorite oil. Ideal for ripening or dry skin, but I found that it also worked well for my slightly oily skin. Make sure you get real olive oil because most of the thing that is in the store is mixed with other, cheaper oils.

Special carrier oils

These work perfectly to give your OCM mixture a little more adjustment. They are a more concentrated source for skin -loving nutrients. You can only add a little of your oil mixture for great advantages.

  • Rosehip oil – – This adstringing oil is ideal for greasy skin types, but in smaller quantities it is also a good anti-aging oil. Full vitamins A and C, to support scar tissue, beauty defects and wrinkles.
  • Argan oil – filled with vitamins A and E, antioxidants and linoleic acid. It is supple, helps protect against free radicals, is anti-aging and moisture.
  • Jojoba oil – Similar to Skin’s Talg, Jojoba has both vitamins E and B and minerals. No pores are clogged and is great for all skin types.
  • Essential oils – Although these are not a carrier oil, they deserve a mention. They offer additional skin advantages that help with anti-aging, inflammation and draw. Some of my favorites are lavender, tea tree, incense, sweet orange and cedar. Simply add one or two drops to your OCM mix (but absolutely avoid your eyes!).

Do you want to buy it ?: Don’t you want to buy the oils yourself and DIY? This handmade oil cleaning mixture smells divinely and is well suited for oil cleaning.

Oil cleaning mixtures

If you are new to oil cleaning, you can require some attempts to find out which oil mixture is best suited for you. I used a mixture of 3/4 olive oil and 1/4 castor or hazelnut oil and it is perfect for my skin. You can also try the following:

  • Greasy skin: 1/3 castor oil or Hazelnut oil and 2/3 sunflowers, grape seeds or sweet almond oil.
  • Combination skin: 1/4 castor oil or hazelnut oil and 3/4 olives, sweet almond, sunflower or other oil
  • Dry skin: All nutritious oils such as avocado or olive oil or a very small amount of castor/hazelnut oil to the nutritious oils.

Start with the proposed quantities at the top for your skin type and fit in if necessary. When I started, I mixed very small batches until I found the right mix for myself.

I also found that even pure coconut oil can work well as soon as the skin has set up, although it can dry some skin types. A friend uses half and half a mixture Coconut oil And olive oil That she mingles into a mixer to create a cream, and that works perfectly for her.

Oil cleaning tutorial

Now that you know which oils you should use, this is the way you do the OCM!

  1. Pour a lot of the oil mixture into your hand and massage them to your dry skin. Use smooth circular lines to massage it for 1-2 minutes. If you wear make -up, you don’t have to wash it off first!
  2. Optional: Let the oil switch on for up to 10 minutes to clean pores and pores too deep.
  3. Soak a clean washcloth in very hot water and place the moist cloth for a minute or something over your face. This creates steam to remove oils and skin pollution. Repeat if necessary.
  4. Use the washcloth to carefully remove the remaining oil. There will still be a thin layer of oil on the skin and this is advantageous.
  5. Most people do not need moisturizer after the adjustment phase. However, if you still have dry skin, try to reduce the castor oil in your mixture and use a little lotion to moisturize.

Oil cleaning method FAQs

Oil cleaning with acne

It is normal that it takes about a week for the skin to adapt. During this time you can even see more greasy skin or outbreaks when contamination leaves the skin. If you can, resist the urge to use hard soaps or facial cleaners because the adjustment time takes longer.

You can accelerate the detoxification process once or twice a week.

The oils don’t work for me

Even if you do not have any acne, you may still have an adaptation time. And you probably have to experiment with different oils to find your perfect oil ratio. If your skin is too dry afterwards, reduce the castor oil (or rose hip oil if it is used). If it is too greasy, try a lighter oil or increase the cast of castor oil.

If you don’t really like your skin after a month (and have already tried different oils), the OCM may not be a good option for your skin.

Then clean up

If you do this in the shower, clean your shower floor regularly so that it doesn’t get slippery! Some readers also asked how to clean the washcloth afterwards. I make my own load of laundry for you and wash up hot. You can also follow the washing with a vinegar flushing before drying.

Have you ever tried oil cleaning? Did it work for you? Share below!