When we think of the metabolism, most of us imagine a lightning -fast reaction, the food transforms into energy and helps us lose weight.
Faster, constant metabolism is indeed advantageous for burning fat. But what happens if your metabolism slows down?
A slow metabolism is usually a sign that something goes wrong and a state called “hypothyroidism” or a low thyroid function signals.
Your thyroid gland is a small butterfly gland in your neck, which is of crucial importance for regulating the thermoregulation of the body.
If you have a sluggish metabolism, you always feel tired, cold and hungry. You also experience dry skin and hair and fight with foggy thinking and memory gaps.
Sometimes, however, you may have to slow down your metabolism for various reasons, and in this article we see some options for how you can do this successfully.
What is slow metabolism?
The metabolism is a process through which the body uses energy (calories) and reduces nutrients from food.
When the metabolism becomes slow, the body consumes less energy than usual and they increase in weight.
A slow metabolism can occur if they are considerably overweight or with normal weight.
Some people are of course endomorphic, which means that they save fat and increase more easily and have a naturally slower metabolism.
Others, such as ectomorphic and endomorphic, can for other reasons, such as B. Hormonal imbalances, have a slower metabolism.
Slow metabolism is more common in women, especially since they get older, and with overweight people.
This slow metabolism can lead to a person feels tired and cold all the time. Some people may even feel hungry, even though they eat more calories.
To mention unnecessarily that this can be frustrating, especially since weight loss becomes more difficult if your metabolism is slow.
Suppose you have not deliberately slowed your metabolism.
In this case you can do a few things to improve your metabolism, including healthy food, enough movement and reduction in stress.
How does your body get energy?
The body receives energy from the digestion of food and its metabolism is the speed at which this process occurs.
The metabolism is a chemical process in which the body breaks nutrients from food and uses them to generate energy.
Your metabolic rate is the speed at which your body burns calories.
If you have a slower metabolism, burn fewer calories, which means that it is more difficult for you to burn calories.
Although these signs can indicate more serious health problems, many of them can be remedied healthier and more frequently by eating.
A diet with a high absorption of vitamins, minerals and essential fats and low sugar, processed foods and trans fats can help accelerate your metabolism.
Regular training can help accelerate your metabolism even further. Even only 10-15 minutes a day cardio can cause a significant difference in your metabolism and finally your body weight.
10 ways to slow down your metabolism
1) Less sleeping
The lack of sleep is closely related to hormonal imbalances that can slow down their metabolism.
Sleep not only improves your metabolism, but is also essential for maintaining your immune system.
However, it is important to remember that you should work efficiently during the day at least 7 hours of sleep per night.
2) eat a little less
A consistent diet of low -calorie foods can slow down your metabolic rate.
This applies in particular to people with a genetic predisposition to slow metabolic rates.
The best thing for these people is to increase calorie intake to accelerate your metabolism again.
Eat three small, healthy meals with snacks to keep your metabolism low.
However, it is important to remember that hunger itself is not healthy.
If you want to use this method to slow down your metabolism, it is best to consult your health service provider first.
Never skip the meals.
The nutritional world must not be taken easily, especially if you drastically reduce your calorie intake.
3) more work
We all know that too much work can slow down, but did you know that it can also slow down your metabolism by affecting your thyroid gland?
However, be careful, because a strong workload can cause stress. A high degree of stress is never a good thing.
If you feel too revised, take some time every day to reduce stress and do things that make you happy.
4) Eat a little less protein
The food less protein can significantly reduce your metabolic rate.
This applies in particular to vegetarians who eat very little protein. If you gradually reduce your protein intake, you can also reduce your metabolic rate.
Remember that protein increases muscle mass and necessary to improve the body’s ability, heal and generate new tissue.
5) Make a lot of movement
While movement for maintaining a healthy metabolism is essential, you can certainly slow down your metabolism if you train a lot.
A lot of physical activity helps to burn calories, lose weight and build more muscles.
Just try not to train too much and make sure that you get enough calories to stay healthy.
6) Eat too little fat
Too few fatty foods can slow down your metabolic rate.
This is not always a good thing because your body needs healthy fat.
So make sure that you get enough healthy fats in your diet to avoid you slow down your metabolic rate.
How do you know if your metabolism slows down too much?
A large number of characters usually accompanies a slowed metabolism. If your metabolism is too low, there are usually many other health problems such as fatigue, weight gain and significantly reduced energy levels.
If you experience one of these symptoms, it is a good idea to be checked by a doctor.
The doctor can watch your blood tests and her thyroid to see if everything is normal.
If not, you can prescribe medication to fix the problem, and you have a normal metabolic rate again or possibly a bit below normal.
7 reasons for a slow metabolic rate
If you are not deliberately trying to slow down your metabolism, something could be wrong.
Here are the most common reasons why your metabolic rate slows down:
1) Age
In later life, the metabolic rates are slowly slowed down, which makes it much more difficult to achieve a significant amount of weight loss. You can start weight.
The metabolic rate does not remain at the same level throughout your life.
It changes depending on the age, gender, lifestyle and many other factors, including their environment, genetics and health.
2) be overweight
Your body composition, such as wearing overweight, means that your body works much harder than normal.
For this reason, many people with a few additional pounds consume more eating than they need.
Fat slows down your metabolism and makes it even easier to weight weight.
3) Hormonal imbalances
Hormonal imbalances can make it much more difficult to achieve weight loss.
They can even cause weight gain.
A slower thyroid, low cortisol and high insulin levels make it more difficult to lose weight.
4) Lack of movement
One of the most common reasons for a slower metabolic rate is a lack of training.
Regular exercise helps your body to speed up your metabolism so that your metabolic rate decreases if you do not get enough exercise.
It can also improve your resting metabolism rate.
5) stress
Chronic stress can slow down your metabolic rate.
This is because your body publishes cortisol when you are stressed. Cortisol slows down its metabolic processes and makes it difficult to make much more difficult.
5) Maiss syrup with high fructose
Corn syrup with high fructose corn is an artificial sugar from corn syrup, and many drinks are sweetened.
A lot of food and drinks containing this sweetener slow down your metabolism because your body cannot convert it into direct energy, such as glucose.
For some, calorie burning is a challenge; It is the opposite for others.
As such, some difficulties have to slow down their metabolism, while others are working towards a quick metabolism.
Very often a slow metabolism means that something goes wrong with your body. However, a quick metabolism can also mean the same thing.
Therefore, it is only natural that some people are looking for ways to slow down their metabolic rate.
Fortunately, some healthy opportunities to achieve more that train more and eat a little less.
A slow metabolic rate makes it much more difficult to lose for those who have to deal with healthy weight gain.
Some other methods that are used frequently to slow down the metabolism may not be so safe, so it is best to speak to a doctor before using them.