Is a meal necessary before training?
Do you go to the gym without your fitness bag or training equipment? No, and this is because these things are necessities.
It is also a necessity as eating.
The food in the body looks like gas in an engine. It would be difficult to run an engine without gas.
In this article we will see why you have to fuel your body for strength training and other strict training activities.
How does food fuel train?
According to the American College of Sports Medicine, sports nutrition is important to ensure adequate absorption of food and liquids before, during and after training.
Diet before and after training helps with endurance and recovery.
Carbohydrates (sugar) are needed by the body to operate your muscles during activity.
If you don’t eat enough carbohydrates before training, your body begins to burn fat instead of using glycogen that is stored in your muscles.
That sounds good, but it is not because you can experience muscle cramps, tiredness and even dizziness for this reason.
Carbohydrates are the preferred energy source of the body.
Our body disassembles the carbohydrates in food into glucose, which is then used as a fuel to supply our muscles.
Your muscles become more and more efficient to use oxygen if you eat properly before training.
This means that they feel less tired and will recover faster from workouts.
Basics for nutrition before training
1) protein
Muscles consists of proteins that are the building blocks of the body. Therefore, your body cannot generate muscles without protein.
You have to consume enough protein before, during and after your training to complete a successful session.
Around 20 grams of high -quality protein should be present in a decent meal before training.
This can be achieved by consuming lean meat such as chicken breast, turkey breast, fish, eggs, dairy products, soybeans, almonds, seeds and legumes.
2) Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are the energy source for your body.
They increase your energy levels and give you the strength you need for longer times.
Your body also needs carbohydrates for repair and muscle buildings after a strenuous training. Therefore, you should eat carbohydrates right after your training.
Avoid simple sweets (such as sweets) in favor of complex carbohydrates (such as oatmeal).
3) Fat
Fat is responsible for the taste and texture of food.
It keeps you full and gives you energy. However, digestion can suffocate too much fat and create stomach complaints.
When maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the consumption of healthy fats requires.
Avocado, olive oil, linseed oil, salmon, sardines, almonds, walnuts, coconut oil etc. are all good fat sources.
When can you eat before training?
When it comes to nutrition before an exercise, the timing is everything.
The optimal time to eat before training is 30 minutes before the start. This gives your body time to digestion food and prepare for physical activity.
You may have stomach cramps and flatulence if you eat your training too close.
Here is what you should eat before and after training
Which food can I eat before training?
Carbohydrates are an energy source, so you should be part of a snack before training or dinner as well as many liquids (ideally water).
Consumption of carbohydrates before you with highly intensive aerobics sports such as cycling or running guarantee that your muscles have enough glucose to continue working and prevent muscle drugs.
In sports medicine, the foods below can be recommended by your sports dietetician.
1) PB & J.
Carbohydrates are abundant in bread and jelly.
It offers the muscles the strength they need to carry out activities.
This peanut butter has a high protein, which makes you feel good and helps you to avoid training or a bingess.
Studies show that eating peanuts helps with weight gain in the form of muscles.
2) oatmeal with fruit and low -fat milk
They digest the carbohydrates more slowly in this mix to maintain a constant glucose level.
The energy will continue to grow.
Add some protein milk for additional nutrient density because the calcium strengthens the bones of the thighs.
3) Protein shakes
Many studies have reported on the potential of protein consumption before training to increase sporting performance.
Protein shakes (in water or low-fat milk) shortly before training, muscle protein synthesis can increase and is the best morning meal before training.
4) bananas
Bananas are considered the best morning before training. Bananas have twice as many carbohydrates that are easy to digest compared to other fruits such as apples.
There is a reason why runners love their bananas after the race, the fruit is full of simple carbohydrates, natural sugar and the best potassium.
This electrolyte prevents muscle cramps and can be lost by sweat.
You can have half a banana or as banana slices.
5) Smoothie with fruit and yogurt
Smoothies are easy to prepare and digest and can help you stay energetic during your training.
Some branch versions have more sugar than others.
Make your own version with protein -rich yogurt and fruits that are low in calories.
To stay hydrated, add water to the mix. According to research, the muscle tone can deteriorate.
6) Additions before training
These products can improve performance, improve strength, increase the lean mass and reduce fatigue.
Creatine is probably the most frequently used sports supplement.
It was shown that muscle mass, muscle fiber size as well as muscle strength and strength increased and at the same time delayed tiredness.
Which food can I eat after training?
After your training, eat healthy food to improve your health and fitness. Your body uses carbohydrates as an energy source.
Jogging and movement activity gives your muscles a thrust.
Filling with a combination of lean protein and carbohydrates supports muscle preparation.
You also have to drink a lot of fluid to maintain the liquid balance by replacing the lost loss.
1) Sports drink
Water can help you stay hydrated if you train less than half an hour.
However, if you want to go longer for a longer period of time, you have to replenish your electrolytes. It is a mineral that helps with liquid intake.
If you sweat, they are usually destroyed. So select an electrolyte drink such as sports drinks or coconut water.
2) Sweet potatoes and salmon
This contains a lot of protein and omega-3 fatty acids that help relieve sore muscles after training.
For a total of 23 carbohydrates, serve fish with baked potatoes. Every day you get all the vitamins you need to improve your immunity.
Serve sweet potatoes raw or baked and use as the basis of olive oil.
3) vegetables, brown rice and chicken
With only 142 calories per half -pack, skinless chicken breasts have a high protein content, which is why the half -packs have 27 g protein.
Apart from vitamin B-6, vitamin is required for the health of the immune system.
To get the greatest diet and carbohydrates, serve with brown rice and vegetables.
4) Fruit and Greek yogurt
Each cup contains 20 grams of protein.
If you garnish your salad with fruits, this increases more nutritious value.
Since blueberries include antioxidants, they offer additional health advantages.
After research, consumption of these meals can help to reduce the muscular inflammation caused by movement.
5) whole grain tap tap packaging
Prepare your snacks as soon as you have ended your training.
Whole grain has a high carbohydrate content, while a 3 -unzen meal from Truthahn has 18 grams of protein.
Replace the Mayo with creamy avocado, which is high in potassium and magnesium, both of whom help to facilitate muscle problems.
Avocados also include advantageous unsaturated fats and micronutrients.
6) Hard cooked egg and all wheat toast
This meal before and after the training includes carbohydrates and fiber, which minimizes the number of calories you burn during training and keep your blood sugar at bay.
For the best results, serve the egg without egg yolk.
They are an important protein that contains nine essential amino acids required to build muscle.
7) chocolate milk
These favorites in childhood offer a perfect ratio of carbohydrate to protein of about 4 to 1 to recharge your muscles and to rebuild.
A woman’s blood sugar fell considerably compared to a non -alcoholic drink the day before after drinking a glass of wine.
Chocolate milk has 80% water so that you can drink it to replace the water that you lose during training.
Food to avoid eating before training
After training, the last thing you need is to eat heavy, difficult to spoil food.
- Avoid protein-rich and high-fat foods before training to keep gastrointestinal problems in a minimum.
- Never start an exercise program without trying it first. It can be difficult to locate your ideal diet before starting training, depending on what is on your list.
- Make sure you eat non -stale food.
- Fat is more difficult to digest and can cause stomach -intestine problems.
- Fibers and proteins are difficult to include in the exercise routines of some people.
- Keep an eye on the strengths and limits of your body because everyone is different. In the case of races.
In short, it is important to eat before and after your training.
Make a good time to observe the corresponding training tax and the right foods that are required before and after training.
Eat foods that are rich in protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats.
Try to consume full meals and a balanced meal to get a good overall diet.
Even if you try to lose weight, it is important to ensure that you take enough energy -rich foods to fully benefit from your training sessions and to achieve the strength, endurance, flexibility and flexibility you hope.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
What should I eat 30 minutes before training?
Oatmeal, protein drinks and bananas are ideal preparation means. As a rule, the aforementioned food that you consume during training is determined by the type of exercise that you carry out.
Is it okay to train on an empty stomach?
If you train before eating, your blood sugar level can sink so you feel sluggish.