If you are a fan of a little-known knowledge as a vampire diaries or the spin-off-off-or-original, you have thrown the word Vervain around regularly.
If you look at a show about mythical creatures, you don’t usually expect things on the show exist in reality.
However, as it turns out, the Vervain plant exists in reality.
It not only exists, but also has several names and purposes.
In fact, Vervain has a rich story with himself and has been widespread for a long time.
So if you are curious about all things, whether vervain, be it the plant, advantages or side effects, we have all the answers for you.
Verbena Lasiostachys – everything you need to know
What is Vervain?
Verbena Officinalis is a flowering plant.
Depending on the region, it is known among many different names, and these names include the joy of Simpleter, American Blue Vervain, Holy Kraut, Verbena, Wild -Hysop and Moskitopflanze.
Which plant family belongs to Verbena Officinalis?
Vervain belongs to the family verbenaceae.
The Vervain plant is a herbaceous plant with simple dense leaves. The flowers on the Vervain plant are usually small and five in numbers.
Vervain flowers can be blue (hence the name Blue Vervain); You can be purple flowers, white flowers and even pink flowers.
An interesting fact about Vervain is that it has no fragrance.
There are over 150 species that belong to the same plant family (the Verbena family), both years of several years and the one year.
The vast majority of these species can be found in Asia and North America. However, there are some species that come from southern Europe – widespread worldwide.
It is important to distinguish between V Officinalis and lemon verbena, as these are two different plants than different names for the same plant.
Lemon verbena occurs more often in North Africa, Europe and Iran. While it is also used in traditional medicine, its characteristics differ from swampshadsurmen (Vervain).
What is a multi -year plant?
When we think of a plant cycle, we remember that it grows and dies within a year, i.e. an annual cycle.
A cycle of several years lasts longer than two years, so
Plants like V Officinalis bloom during the spring and summer season and then die in the colder seasons of early autumn and winter.
However, you have the following spring summer season due to your rootstock.
This gives Vervain a larger lifespan compared to other flowers.
The story of Vervain
Vervain has a long story – beyond what it used in vampire diaries (although very useful) – that is incredibly rich.
The origins of Vervain and its use can be traced back to the 18th century in a book called Sauerer’s herb hardening.
Vervain has long been used in herbal medicine because numerous health states can be treated.
It was also used for ceremonies and superstitions. It was even named to show these beliefs, such as the herb or herb of love.
For many civilizations, Vervain was a sacred plant that was of great importance in her life and rituals. In ancient Egypt, V. Officinalis was a sacred plant that emerged from the tears of the goddess Iris.
During the antiquity of the Romans, Verbena Vervain was a holy herb that was placed on the altar of God Jupiter.
The Romans believed that the Verbena herb helped them to lead and won wars against their enemies. During the time of Christ, Vervain was used for his medical purposes and it is assumed that it was used to treat the wounds of Jesus.
In ancient Ireland, the druids believed that common Vervain held supernatural skills. During his time in Scandanavia, this was used in rituals when she worshiped the god of thunder Thunder.
In older times, Greek doctors supported the traditional use of the Verbena herb to treat health conditions such as plague and fever.
During his time in the American indigenous people and in the Aztec period, the Verbena herb was used for diseases such as circulatory problems, insomnia and headache.
In German folk medicine, the Verbena herb was regularly used as a protective form and as an aphrodisiac.
It was assumed to treat an illness of the lungs or abdomen.
What are the advantages of Vervain?
Vervain comes in many forms, from white Vervain to Blue Vervain; The alleged advantages of Vervain with narrow -leafed shift are due to the advantageous connections in the system.
This includes bitter plant connections, silica, essential oils, tannins, glycosides and alkaloids.
It is the interactions between these active components and the body that leads to the many medical effects of Vervain on the body, such as its anti -inflammatory ability.
1) Reducing cramps and anxiety
Animal studies provides scientific evidence that Vervain can be used to use the health of those who suffer from fear of cramps.
Vervain has long been used to treat problems such as anxiety and cramps.
It has been shown that it has similar medical skills to Diazepam.
This results from the medical properties of tannins and flavonoids in Vervain.
It was also examined what shows the advantages of using Vervain as the treatment of diseases such as epilepsy and other neurological diseases that cause cramps.
This traditional treatment is possible due to the Verbena available in Vervain.
2) Tumor prevention
Vervain was also an advantage to improve the health of cancer.
The triterpenoids, essential oils and glycosides are used to treat cancer by inhibiting tumor growth and to cause cancer cell death.
It is the two verbenosides A and B together with Citral that have anti-tumor and cancer properties.
In studies carried out on mice, it was shown that large vervain cans inhibit the growth of the tumor cell, which improves their general health.
3) fight infections
Our body must deal with several infections over time, from urinary tract infections to infections caused by staphylococcus aureus.
The treatment for these infections is used by the use of antibiotics; Unfortunately, due to their overuse and abuse, people become resistant to their effects.
There is hope; According to research, however, Vervain shows the ability to combat these infections and improve their health.
Tests were carried out in the effect of Vervain and its effect on various microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi.
These tests have shown promising results that can still prove to be useful in terms of medical care.
4) Reduction of inflammation and pain
Inflammation is a painful red swelling that occurs due to our immune system that fights against an unknown substance in your system.
Inflammation can occur anywhere in the body, from gum infections to inflammation in their upper or lower limbs. Inflammation is painful and can make the movement difficult.
Studies on the impact of a vervain supplement in oral or topical form were carried out on inflammation.
The results were promising in both indications. It was shown that Vervain reduces inflammation and pain.
It is an effective anti -inflammatory herbal medicine.
The use of Vervain can be a natural way to combat the effects of inflammation instead of taking medication that can lead to other side effects in the body.
5) Reduction of diarrhea
Diarrhea is defined more than three times a day as a loose, aqueous chair. This increased aqueous chair can lead to dehydration, which can lead to other serious problems.
For this reason, it is important to check diarrhea as soon as possible.
Studies carried out through Vervain and its effects on diarrhea are promising. It was shown that it not only reduces the frequency of diarrhea, but also minimizes the radiated water volume.
By controlling these two factors, Vervain can significantly reduce the dehydratization probations that occur. This also minimizes the probability of other side effects.
6) kidney stones
The addition of this benefit only serves for information purposes and not a clear indication that it is effective.
While Vervain has traditionally been treated by kidney stones, there is no concrete research to support this claim in current times.
For this reason, this advantage of Vervain is last on our list. While it has anecdotal support for the effective and century -old history, there is no scientific research that proves this to be true.
Vervain has the most urination -like effect, which means that the kidneys increase the amount of urine that it generates and fail.
However, the way this is the case causes the kidneys to cause more damage to the kidneys by irritation for the kidneys.
How is Vervain used?
Vervain’s main use is in homeopathic medicine.
It has long been part of the ancient cultures to treat symptoms such as headaches, fever, inflammation and infections.
Vervain tea is a further use of this plant. Although Vervain Tea is not for every palate due to its bitter taste.
In addition, drinking Vervain tea with its meals can lead to a decrease in the iron absorption in its digestive tract. Maybe not everyone’s cup of tea.
Vervain was traditionally used to increase the production of breast milk in breastfeeding mothers. However, this is not a use that can be demonstrated by scientific research.
The flowers of this plant can be used in alcoholic beverages and as a side dish for meals.
What are the side effects of Vervain?
Nothing is completely free from the side and Vervain is no different.
Due to interactions with pharmaceutical drugs or because of someone who reacts to the Vervain itself, it can have side effects.
While Vervain from the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) was declared as a grass (generally recognized as secure), it is important to be aware of its side effects.
Vervain is not recommended during pregnancy due to its impact on the fetus.
It can lead to malformation and reduce the weight gain of the fetus. It is also best to avoid use during breastfeeding to prevent your baby.
Possible interactions of vervain with a medication for hormone therapy or blood thinning can cause harmful side effects.
You should always consult your health service provider before starting with a new supplement like Vervain.
Vervain is a powerful herb that has been around for centuries. It was widely popular due to its numerous health benefits.
However, it is not free of side effects and should be used with caution and after the consultation of your doctor.