Can you eat crab apples?

From the day we are old enough to understand what is good for us, we are told how important fruit and vegetables are.

You have to eat healthy every day and include at least five fruit and vegetable pieces in your daily diet.

One of the easiest available fruits that are on the list of all is the apple.

This delicious red fruit is available in different shapes, from Granny Smith’s apples to crab sails.

Every kind of apple has its own taste, size, color and growth area such as orchids.

Today we concentrate on the modest crab apple, on questions such as crab apples edible, where you can find crab apples and much more.

Are crabs edible? Exploration of the fruit

Crab apples bloom

What are crab apples?

Crab apples are wild apples and they are part of the Malus genre, which is part of the Rosacea family.

Compared to a standard apple, crab apples are miniature apples.

These tiny apples grow on a crab apple tree and often raise the question of whether they can be eaten or not.

The difference between homemade compared to the small fruits of a crab tree is the size and sweetness, and crab apples taste sour, while traditional apples are sweet.

Domestic apples are bred to create sweeter fruits.

The beauty of this genus, Malus Sylvestris (crab apples), is the ability to grow crab apple trees everywhere. The tiny fruits from this tree give an urban landscape a splash of color.

The resilience of apple trees of crabs can be seen in their ability to produce plenty of pink and white flowers that produce plenty of crab fruits without maintenance or perfect surroundings.

Crab apples are small fruits that look more like cherries than apples.

These colorful fruits are available in many colors, from the standard apple red to yellow and greens.

A crab apple is best identified by its size. Everything that is larger than 5 cm in diameter (2 cm) does not classify as crab apple.

Another good way to recognize the difference between crab sails and other apples is the lack of a pit. A crab apple while he has crab apple seeds and a core, but a pit is missing.

Crabapple varieties

Like other fruits, the crab apple is delivered in a large selection.

There are fruit trees and non -fruitful apple trees.

For the most part, a crab apple tree, which flowers create, will produce small apples, but there is a small percentage that does not do this.

The fruits of apple varieties include countries such as Donald Wyman, Golden Hornet, Sprudel Sprite, Snow Drift, Sugar Thyme and many, many more.

Each Apple variety has its own identifying factor and a different taste.

Can you eat crab apples?

Many people look at crab apples and think that they are poisonous and therefore inedible.

This cannot be removed from the truth; You can definitely eat crab apples.

While it is true that the seeds of this apple contain a substance that is known as cyanogenic glycoside that is not toxic itself when metabolized in the body, but it becomes cyanide, a toxic connection.

However, this is not a matter of worry because the amount in the seeds is negligible, and even if you accidentally eat a few seeds, you will not harm.

It would require a large number of seeds to have a harmful influence on your body.

The answer to the question of whether you can eat crab apples or not, is a Velcro.

However, it is not advisable to eat them in the same way as traditional apples.

This is because they are not as cute as the apples they are used to. They also have a texture that is vague, in contrast to the crispy nature of other apples.

Of course, this does not mean that you can’t eat them. You just have to get creative.

There are numerous recipes available to facilitate apples, from crab apple jelly to cider, salads and baked goods, all of which are delicious taste.

The production of jelly from crabs is a great idea because the recipe needs sugar to make the acidic crab summary cute from which the combination offers excellent taste.

In addition, the pectin in Krabben makes a great fruit of the choice for jelly-make.

Crabapple can be used in cider.

This gives the drink a more interesting taste compared to the traditional cider.

It gives the cider a sour, spicy taste.

Other ways to use crabs

While there are many ways to include crabs into different recipes, the use of crabs is not limited to food and drinks.

The fruits and the tree of a crab can be used in various aspects of life.

Crab trees produce good wood that can be used when boiling fires because it is hot, but not too quickly and without too much flame.

It also offers a pleasant fragrance of food that is cooked on this fire, which also gives the food a smoky taste.

It is best to cut this wood when it is wet because it is extremely difficult to chop the wood when it has become dry.

Crabs are used as compact ornamental trees that provide great decorative pieces; They are also able to bloom between spring and autumn.

At the same time, the fruit can be used even in wreaths or vases with branches or without.

Crabs are incredibly advantageous in the planting of orchard.

They are used as orchard pollen insators, since bees are attracted more by them than other apple trees.

In a pinch you can use a bucket or drum bouquet made of crabapple flower branches to increase the pollination and growth of your dress.

These trees bloom when they are planted in an orchid between every sixth or seventh tree.

Crabaple can be used as a graft to give trees additional cold hardness that are grown in cold northern areas.

They can also be used as a rootstock to give other plants advantageous properties.

Growing crab apples

The growth of these tiny joyful fruits is not as difficult as you may think.

These trees are incredibly resilient and require very little maintenance to thrive.

There is a reason why you can easily find these trees in an urban landscape or grow in the courtyard of a house that has been abandoned for a long time.

This means that if you deliberately want to grow one of these trees, this will be a simple process.

All you have to do is to plant the seeds from a crab into the ground outside and let them grow.

When the tree grows, it is a good idea to cut the branches and maintain the tree to achieve a better look and enable structural growth.

The flowers appear in the springs in the months.

Which slowly leads to the apples during the autumn season.

This is the time to select your apples.

The great thing about these apples is that you can not only select the fruits that you have grown, but also all the wild fruits that you can find on other crab trees near you.

Harn your crabs

Harvesting these apples is a quick and simple process. You don’t just have to go to an orchard for this purpose.

If you have this tree in your garden, choose the fruits and enjoy it. If not, you will find many of these trees in your area.

You need a decent amount of these apples to create a recipe because they are small.

The selection and harvest of these apples can be a lot of fun. You can spend many entertaining hours with finding and choosing crabs with your friends, the outsider of the Apple world.

How can I find out if your crabapple is ripe?

There is nothing worse than picking fruits and it is immature or overripe. It ruins pleasure and of course your taste.

For this reason, it is a good idea to ensure that you select ripe fruits in advance. So you can easily enjoy the fruits you have selected.

There are two ways to do this.

One depends on the color of the seeds in the apple.

If the seeds are brown, this is a good indication that the crab apple can be eaten while green or white seeds mean that they are immature.

The other method is the taste and feeling of the crab apple.

While these apples are angry, they shouldn’t taste arcid; If this is the case, the apple is not edible and should be rejected.

Similarly, excessive mushy crabs should not be eaten.


If they were nervous because of crabs and whether they can eat them or not, they can now be sure that they can be consumed 100%.

In fact, there are numerous recipes in which you can use them, from butter to salads and cider.

In addition, they can easily be found in free or urban landscapes and are easy to grow if they want to have their own tree.