With the rise of the health industry, people become more aware of what they should eat or not.
People change their diet by removing or replacing foods that they normally eat.
This change is accompanied by the increasing popularity of milk-fermentation milk such as oat milk and soy milk as well as antioxidant-rich superfood options.
Such a fruit is Acai Berry, which has become a fan favorite for health subjects.
If you have any form of social media, especially Instagram, you have to see people rave about your Acai bowl.
Acai shells are not only aesthetically in an Instagram contribution with their creamy texture and their lively colors, they also have numerous health factors.
What is acai?
The first question you may have is what acai is.
Acai is a berry and one of the many traded health foods that people are gradually incorporating into their diet.
Maybe you have spoken a lot of people about your Acai bowl and how you just can’t work without them.
Acai berries are fruits in Central and South America, especially among the rainforests. They are found on palm trees.
The ACAI berries belong to the genus of udder and have eight different ways. This berry resembles strong grapes than berries.
While the acai berry seed seeds about 80% of the berries, the remaining 20%, is the ACAI pulp is full of nutrients.
These berries are one of the main sources of food and nutrition for local tribes in these regions.
How many calories are in an Acai bowl?
What are Acai shells?
Açaí shells are made from puréed acai berries. An Acai bowl is a smoothie in a bowl that was sprinkled with various delicious and nutrient -rich coverings.
Nutritional value
The nutrition label of an ACAI bowl varies depending on numerous factors.
From the toppings, add whether you made or bought the bowl yourself.
However, most shells contain high amounts of antioxidants, potassium, vitamin C and manganese.
Note that the nutrient profile varies depending on the amount of acai and topping used, a standard acai bowl with 170 grams contains a defined number of nutrients.
A calorie number of 170 grams of Acai Bowl can be up to 211. It contains 6 grams of healthy fats, 19 grams of sugar, 35 grams of carbohydrates, 7 grams of fiber and 3 grams of proteins.
The grams of sugar as well as the calorie and fat numbers can vary greatly as well as the production method.
Acai shells bought in the store have more grams of sugar to sugar compared to a homemade bowl.
Are Acai Bowls healthy?
The acai berries themselves are super fruits that are packed with nutrients. The many potential health benefits of ACAI shells depend on whether they consume commercially prepared Acai shells or eat homemade acai shells.
Acai bowls that were bought in a shop have a different diet than an acai bowl at home. Similarly, frozen acai puree differs from acai powder and fresh acai.
What are the health benefits of an ACAI bowl?
Your Acai Bowl offers a wide range of health advantages.
At the same time, several health benefits can be negated due to the addition of coverings to sugar and fat, which can lead to undesirable weight gain.
However, if you make your own acai dish, you can avoid harmful compounds, maximize potential health benefits and increase the nutritional value of your ACAI bowl with additional fruits.
1) antioxidant
The main cause of the ACAI berry, which is an advantage for your health, lies in its antioxidant content.
The reason why it is classified as a superfood is at the antioxidant level it contains, which is due to the anthocyanes in the fruit.
Numerous human and animal studies suggest that the antioxidant values of the ACAI -Berry can contribute to the reduction of the growth of colon cancer cells, to increase brain function and to improve cardiovascular health.
2) Use of skin care
Acai berries are an incredibly rich source of antioxidants. The consumption of acai pulpa can increase the mirror of the antioxidation level in your body.
These antioxidants have numerous advantageous functions in the body.
These are these antioxidants that ACAI give their place in the Superfoods group.
The main function of these antioxidants is to neutralize the free radicals that the body produces. The antioxidant content in ACAI shells comes from plant connections such as anthocyans.
These connections then combat environmental damage to the skin.
For this reason, many skin care and beauty brands use acai powder or acai oil in their products.
It supplies the skin with moisture and at the same time reduces redness and irritation in the skin.
An Açaí bowl is a healthy snack that offers the same advantages and improves other aspects of your health.
3) Advantageous for cardiovascular health
ACAI contains the plant substance known as an anthocyanine, which is a strong antioxidant.
These antioxidants are used to remove harmful molecules from the body that are generated during oxidation reactions if they cause health problems such as heart disease.
Acai itself is a large substance to increase the antioxidant in our body in order to combat these harmful substances.
However, most ACAI shells contain other fruits that are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C and potassium, which is an important nutrient that regulates blood pressure, an important aspect of cardiovascular health.
4) Increase increase in energy levels
If you turn to a healthier diet and a healthier lifestyle, the first thing you notice is the increase in your energy level.
They no longer feel tired and sluggish all day; You think that despite a long working time you have more energy than usual.
The Acai berry improves this effect.
It increases your physical and mental energy levels due to a combination of an improved diet and the nutritional content of the berry itself.
5) Increase weight loss
It was found that this berry not only increases weight loss, but also helps people to preserve their weight as soon as they have reached their target weight.
This serves as a healthy breakfast or snack replacement.
One thing that you are aware is when you eat a prefabricated Acai bowl.
Most of the ACAI shells bought in the shop contain two to three portions that can cause unintentional weight gain.
6) If you slow premature aging
One of the main causes of aging is the presence of free radicals, which lead to numerous destructive processes in the body.
This can cause problems such as age -related bone loss, eye problems, kidney stones and hair loss.
By consuming acai berries, you can reduce these harmful molecules by the antioxidants present in the berries.
The ACAI increases the degree of antioxidants in the body, which then reduces the effect of these harmful compounds.
7) improves digestion
Dietary fiber is essential in your diet to ensure the smooth functioning of your stomach tract, especially the intestine.
ACAI is among the many fruits that are a great fiber source.
The food from ACAI can increase the digestion of your body due to its fiber content.
How do I do your own acai bowl?
The best way to limit ACAI Bowl’s calorie -free options is to make your Acai bowl at home.
This is not a difficult process, and you can make it an entertaining family activity by selecting various coverings that you can add to your bowl.
You need to find acai powder or puree that can be bought in special shops.
Start by mixing unsweetened frozen puree or powder with milk or water to create the basis of your bowl.
Then all you have to do is add toppings, which fits your imagination. Be it cut fruits, nut butter (such as peanut butter), coconut flakes, cocoa nibs or seeds.
Make sure you take into account how many calories and grams of sugar add you to your bowl.
If your goal is to lose weight or start a healthy diet, you may need to rethink the coverings you use.
It is best to stick to healthy options such as seeds, fruit, coconut flakes and nuts.
You can also make changes to the base of your bowl. Instead of simply using acai, water and milk, you can add healthy greens such as spinach and kale.
This gives your bowl an increased diet profile compared to a standard shell.
Note the recommended portion sizes for your weight and age group so that you can precisely control your absorption of sugar, fats, calories and carbohydrates.
Things you shouldn’t add to your Acai shell
It can be easy to take something healthy like an ACAI bowl and make it unhealthy through calorie-free enjoyment or by adding sugar, which goes beyond the daily sugar recording allowance in the latest nutritional guidelines.
How many calories you eat depends on the coverings you use.
Note that a group of wellness experts for Americans recommend restricting their absorption of sugar, fats and calories. There are certain coverings that you should not expand to your Acai bowl.
1) Agav nectar
This is an ingredient used in shops, cafés and juice sticks to make the ACAI bowl sweeter due to the bitter taste that it usually has.
However, this is a topping that you should avoid if you have a healthy diet.
You can still have a delicious and sweet Acai bowl without using AGAV nectar. Simply use sweet tasting fruits as a topping to achieve this effect.
2) chocolate chips
While it is easy to get into the temptation of chocolate chips, we recommend not adding you to your ACAI bowl, especially if you want to reduce your sugar intake.
If you cannot avoid temptation at all, replace the chocolate chips with cocoa nibs.
These offer you the kick of chocolate and sweetness without unnecessary sugar and calories. So your Acai bowl remains a healthy option.
In summary, Acai berries are the perfect superfood to make a healthy and delicious smoothie bowl. You can surpass your Acai Bowl with any burden of your choice.
In addition, it has numerous advantages for your health and well -being.